INFACTUM: Journal of Interfaith, Cultural Understanding and Moderation
<p><em>INFACTUM: Journal of Interfaith, Cultural Understanding and Moderation </em>is an interdisciplinary journal of religious studies, published twice a year by the Department of Studi Agama Agama (SAA), IAIN Pontianak, Indonesia. INFACTUM is concern to Religion and Culture studies, such as Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and other religions. Besides, cultural understanding and moderation are include in it studies. The journal mainly publishes research-based articles in the area of religious studies. It may also publish a special issue for special conditions. The regular issues include May and November editions each year. All prospective contributors from various backgrounds are welcome to contribute. Contributions in English should be typed single-space and contain a minimum of 5.000 and a maximum of 8.000 words. The citation should follow APA style with bodynotes. The manuscript should written with Mendeley Reference Manager.</p>Prodi Studi Agama Agama (SAA) FUAD IAIN Pontianaken-USINFACTUM: Journal of Interfaith, Cultural Understanding and ModerationEKSKPRESI RELIGIUSITAS PADA GAYA HIDUP KALANGAN GENERASI-Z
<p><em>This research explores information about religion and contemporary issues regarding the expression of religiosity in the lifestyle of generation Z. The contemporary era is the current time period, which involves various technological, social and cultural changes and developments. The existence of an issue like this is interesting to reveal, because among the Z generation who have grown up in this digital and globalization era, we can see the way they express themselves, including in terms of expressing religion. The method used in this research is a descriptive analysis research method with qualitative approach by examining references and related sources regarding the main problem (Library Research). Data collected through scientific literature. This literature uses a variety of library sources. Based on the data obtained, Generation Z uses technology to express their religiosity through social media platforms to share spiritual experiences, follow religious leaders, and connect with online religious communities. Generation Z is influenced by technological advances and broad exposure to diverse cultures. The influence of various social media applications on Generation Z has led to the emergence of a generation that values practicality and speed in learning and working, even in a modern lifestyle. One can share inspiring religious content, upload photos of people participating in religious activities, and discuss religious topics with friends through comments and private messages. This shows how Gen Z utilizes technology and social media as a means to communicate and realize their religious beliefs and identity</em></p>Satya Putri Insani
<p><em>This study deals with the integration of religious values into modern lifestyles. One of the components that influences development is the changing times that are increasingly rapid changes that are taking place in the world. The lives of developing and transitional societies are rapidly affected by the outbreak of modernization and globalization. History shows that the term integration has served to provide a normative framework for learning religious values for a long time. Religion can serve as a moral guideline in living a life full of complications and challenges. This research is carried out using the method of library study, which means reading books, scientific journals, documents, and other sources in the library to obtain data and information. A descriptive study of analysis with a qualitative approach by exploring references and related sources on the subject matter (Library Research), which leads to the search of written data related to the content of the research. This writing gives rise to a modern lifestyle narrative with religious values in it. There's an integration of modern lifestyles, there's a variety of issues going on. In the modern era, more religious values must be studied so that life can be balanced with the realities of life. By implementing a more responsible, sustainable, and human values-focused lifestyle, we can create a balance between modern progress and the sustainability of life on earth.</em></p>Nadia Ika Suryani
<p><em>This study explains in more detail the causes of the emergence of radicalism and terrorism movements. These factors are divided into 2, namely ideological factors and psychological factors. The ideological factor emphasizes the fundamentalist movement through a literary approach, or literalism which is considered an authentic reading by fundamentalist groups. Fundamentalism is also the cause of the emergence of radicalism and terrorism movements. It could be said that this fundamentalism is the parent of the ideological orientation of the Modern Islamic Movement. The ideological factor emphasizes the fundamentalist movement through a literary approach, or literalism which is considered an authentic reading by fundamentalist groups. For them, the purity of the sacred text was emphasized, so that every word in it had a clear meaning and absolute value. Then psychological factors are divided into 2, namely, vulnerability and motivation factors and ownership, identity and injustice factors found in terrorists. This study uses the library research method by searching for data from various literature references through journals, books, etc.Keywords : Factors, Fundamentalism, Library Research.</em></p>Dinda Nabila Mawaddah
<p>In line with the very strong development of the times, the role of technology in supporting the religious life of people with disabilities is an important topic that reflects progress in efforts for social inclusion and diversity. Technology accessibility is here to help people with disabilities make it easier to communicate, work, carry out activities, etc. with the aim of having a very big impact. positive because it provides significant convenience in the world of society, there are many applications that really make it easier Talkback Click to say Magnification gestures Text-to-speech, Android Accessibility Suite so that religious people affected by disabilities can become strong and continue to create a realm for worshiping Allah SWT. This research suggests that further development is very important because many religious groups with disabilities focus on uplifting disabled people to improve their lives. The method used in the research is library research, making studies of journals and books that are still on the internet and helping researchers to conclude something. about the role of technology in supporting the religious life of people with disabilities.</p>Fadli Raharjo Fadli Raharjo
<p>Understanding hedonism in this contemporary era teaches that life is about achieving as much happiness or pleasure as possible. In adolescence, individuals are looking for their identity. Of course there are things that motivate or encourage teenagers to behave such as following a hedonistic lifestyle to achieve desires related to pleasure, freedom, and enjoyment of life. Lifestyle is closely related to the times and technology. The more the times, the more sophisticated the technology will be, and the more developed the application of lifestyle by humans in everyday life. The research method used is a literature review. Literature study or literature review contains a description of a particular field or topic. Family factors can be said to be very important because a person's attitude, behavior and lifestyle are influenced by family factors. This is because the parenting pattern of the family that forms the habits of the child which is logically his life pattern.</p>zea zee
<p><em>This research aims to look at Islamic views in responding to people with disabilities who want to obtain their rights in the world of education, worship, sports with good facilities. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection used journal, article and library research sources as supporting data in writing this article. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman model. The results of this research can be used to develop other research that is in line with the themes discussed in this article. Based on the results of the explanation above, it can be concluded that Islamic organizations have a strategic role in realizing and optimizing the empowerment of people with disabilities. This strategic role has been partly realized in programs in the religious sector, including the provision of worship facilities and the development of disability jurisprudence.</em></p>
<p>Kemiskinan, bagaikan benang kusut yang menjerat realitas sosial, menjadi<br>perhatian utama berbagai kajian sosiologis, termasuk sosiologi agama.<br>Melalui lensa sosiologi, kita diajak menyelami kompleksitas kemiskinan,<br>melampaui batas individu dan menjelajahinya sebagai fenomena sosial yang<br>mengakar dalam. Dalam konteks agama, Islam hadir dengan tawaran solusi,<br>mendorong semangat kerja keras dan saling membantu, bagaikan oase di<br>tengah gurun kekeringan. Kajian mendalam terhadap berbagai sumber,<br>mulai dari buku hingga skripsi, membuka jalan untuk memahami<br>kemiskinan secara utuh, membuka peluang bagi solusi yang lebih<br>komprehensif dan berkelanjutan.</p>zul husaini zulhusaini
<p>Sufism, as an esoteric dimension in Islam, has a significant contribution to character education in Indonesia. This research aims to explore the role of Sufism in forming students' character through the moral and spiritual values taught. The method used in this research is literature study and qualitative analysis of educational practices that integrate Sufism values. The research results show that Sufism contributes to the development of noble morals, self-control, compassion and tolerance. In addition, teachers who practice Sufism become effective role models for students. Sufism also encourages a holistic educational approach that includes intellectual, spiritual and emotional aspects, providing balance in individual development. Several schools in Indonesia have integrated Sufism values into their curriculum through religious lessons, extracurricular activities, and character development programs. Sufism-based organizations and communities also play a role in empowering students' character through various spiritual activities, such as taklim assemblies, recitations, and spiritual retreats, which provide space for students to learn and develop themselves in depth. This research confirms that Sufism plays an important role in creating a generation that is not only intellectually intelligent but also moral and spiritual. The integration of Sufism in character education has a positive impact in forming individuals who have a balance between cognitive, emotional and spiritual aspects, so that they are able to contribute positively to society.</p>